IT University CPH – Optimization Technologies Optimization Technologies – Initial sketches for a science conference at SDU (Syddansk Universitet) on how people… IT University CPH – Optimization Technologies
Overkøje – Underkøje Analog collage for a bookcover for a young adult fiction novel. The danish title means “upper… Overkøje – Underkøje
Kulturnatten 2018, Poster Kulturnatten commissioned me to create a handmade collage and the graphic design for their posters and… Kulturnatten 2018, Poster
Kulturnatten 2018, merchandise The badges for grown-ups focus on the lady in the collage, whereas the childrens badges have… Kulturnatten 2018, merchandise
Kulturnatten, in the city The Airbus-poster is probably the biggest poster I ever made. The handcut collage was scaled quite… Kulturnatten, in the city
Amager bio Participating in the competition for a new house painting for Amager Cinema 2018… Amager bio